Charity poker is baaaaaack! Sign up here

I’m happy to let you all know that charity poker is back!!!

Charity poker is one of our most popular fundraisers. It’s been restricted and shut down for the past year and a half at various levels due to Covid. We are super excited to have it back and operational now, and would like to thank Jeanine Gustin for all of her attention to this and for keeping us on the list to get dates once they were released.

Here is a synopsis of how it works:

You do not have to know anything at all about poker to volunteer. The poker games are all run by hired dealers. There will be three people from our organization for each shift. Those three people will stay at the “service desk” for the shift, providing services to the card players and dealers. All transactions must be logged into a computer system, change of big bills must be handled for dealers, and poker chips are sold to the card players.

While knowledge of poker is not necessary, attention to detail is. All transactions are checked and verified (literally) by the State of Michigan. One of the workers on each shift needs to be someone with experience working at charity poker. This person will be the lead contact for that shift, and the supervisor when the event ends will bring home the money and will required to get that money to Krystilyn Smith for deposit ASAP the next day. There is a lead employee from the poker supply company that will assist with questions as they arise at the event.

It’s not difficult work, but it’s an important fundraiser for our band, and you can earn money for your band account! All workers will receive a $10 per hour credit to their band account.

Important note: all workers names must be submitted to the State of Michigan in advance of the event. If you are not signing up directly for a shift, but you would like to be a backup in case of worker cancellation, please email Jeanine Gustin at so you can be added to the list.

More important note: If all three workers are not present at the starting time, or throughout the entire event, the event is cancelled on the spot and everyone (players, dealers, workers, etc) get sent home. Since that would be a huge bummer and costly mistake, please be certain that you can be to the location on time and that you can stay for the entire shift you sign up for.

FYI: everything about this is under Lakeland Band’s name. This is no slight on our new name, but we have to register that way because of our previous application to the State. We applied to be able to participate in this years ago, and we are unfortunately unable to change it at the current time.

If you have any questions, you can contact me at or Jeanine at

Sign up here to work a shift for our first weekend back, October 13 – 16:

Tracy Jerome

LHS Boosters President

LHS Boosters Volunteer Coordinator