Jazz Band Sign ups for Students

Greetings IA, LHS, and MHS students in the band program. This email is also going out on Skyward and info will be shared through the school as well, if you see this in multiple places. We are nearing the start of Jazz Band for our programs, and I need to develop the roster and plan for students who are interested in joining. Please see the links below for signing up on the interest form for Jazz Band.

If you are an IA/LHS student – please use the following link for Jazz Band at Lakeland:

*** Jazz at Lakeland will start on Tuesday, December 7th with our first practice/meeting

If you are an MHS student – please use the link for Jazz Band at Milford:

***Jazz at MIlford will start on Thursday, December 9th with our first practice/meeting

Thank you all,
Mr. Green