Century Resources Fundraiser Pick up Times are now in!

Greetings all band families (this is going out through Skyward as well):

The Century Resources Fundraiser pick up is this week, and we want to thank everyone who participated!!! We had a great turnout from both school band programs and here are the details for pick ups:

Lakeland – PICK UP is Tuesday, 11/30 in the band room as follows:
2:00 – 3:30 pm, and again 6 – 8 pm, to assist with students who have large orders or ride the bus and need to pick up later with a parent.

Milford – PICK UP is Thursday, 12/2 in the band room as follows:
2:00 – 3:30 pm, and again 6 – 8 pm, to assist with students who have large orders or ride the bus and need to pick up later with a parent…this is also our concert night so families can pick up at/after the concert to make it easier!
Many items require refrigeration, so please make plans to pick up on the designated day/time for your school.

Thank you all,
Mr. Green