Banquet Update

Greetings HVMB Families,

After discussion with district/admin regarding COVID numbers and concerns with larger gatherings, we are going to postpone banquet. This is NOT what any of us want, but it is the best thing to do at this point.

I will say this again, so you all know my take on things very clearly:
My goal is to have banquet in person
My goal is to have banquet to include the full band, and their families

I do not want to do a virtual banquet at all, and I do not want to split banquet up. I will avoid those at all costs, and keep looking for new dates.

The reschedule will not be before February for sure, so we will start working on new options and will communicate as soon as we know what will work best. Please be flexible and patient, and know we are doing our best not to put your kids/families at risk with such a large gathering. I know that the world today requires a lot of flexibility with COVID, and I am doing my best to navigate this all so we can have a banquet your amazing kids deserve!!!

I had some updates I was going to share at banquet regarding the 2022 HVMB season, calendar, and news, and I will still compile these and share them with you this week regardless! We will celebrate soon!

Thank you all for your continued support!
Mr. Green