Greetings HVMB Families:
For Friday…we are going to adjust the performance to 6 pm instead of 6:30 pm. This is being done because of the weather forecast. We are assuming we may have to be indoors for the afternoon and perform a standstill in the gym. We will plan to perform regardless, and if the weather permits, we will perform in the stadium of course, but we will still plan for 6 pm now!
Parents, I don’t want to discourage you from attending, but if we are inside it will be a very tight fit into the aux gym with all the performers and the parents. Just a heads up. Please know we are doing our best. Please attend with a mask on indoors at all times.
STUDENTS will need their musician masks if they are in the winds, and all others will need a regular mask as well.
Thank you all,
Mr. Green